If you are one of the millions of Americans who take vitamin D supplements daily, today's report by ConsumerLab.com, a provider of consumer information and independent evaluations of products that affect health and nutrition, should be of great interest to you. Recent research they found problems with nearly a third of 49 tested vitamin D supplements, including products with calcium and / or vitamin K and marketed specifically for children.
ConsumerLab.com selected 28 of the product, while 21 others were tested at the request of the manufacturer or distributor through the Voluntary Certification Program. The product is tested to determine whether they contain the claimed amount and form of vitamins, calcium and vitamin DK, able to destroy completely will be available for absorption, and if they are free from unacceptable levels of lead.
The most common problems found by ConsumerLab.com with a supplement containing vitamin D is the number one vitamin. For example, a list of 800 IU vitamin D tablets contain only 664 IU, 83 percent of the total registered. and a list of 42 IU of vitamin D is only liquid contains 18 IU, 44 percent of the total registered. A gummy product for adults who registered 1,000 IU of vitamin D, but only contains 317 IU, 32 percent of the amount listed, while a popular supplement for children who registered 200 IU vitamin D per two gummy bears, but actually contained 501 IU , 251 percent of the amount listed. One of the vitamin D supplement / vitamin K, which contained the number of listed vitamin D, but given only registered 36.8 mcg 50 mcg of vitamin K per capsule, 74 percent of those registered.
A vegan Vitamin D products that pass the laboratory test is not approved by ConsumerLab.com as listed the potential benefits of vitamin D but failed to provide FDA-required disclaimer to the claim.
Lead contamination found in two other products that contain combinations of vitamins D and K and calcium. One contains 5.2 mcg of lead in a recommended serving of 4 capsules, and others, powder, there is 4.1 mcg in the recommended servings of 2 tablespoons. Both the products with lead contamination in this warning label also does not reveal the potential of soy as an allergen. Both products contain forms of vitamin K2 called MK-7, which is made from tempeh.
FDA allows supplement manufacturers to set their own limits lead in their products. But one state, California requires a warning label on supplements containing more than 0.5 mcg of lead per day serving (or 1.0 mcg of lead in supplements containing 1,000 mg or more calcium). Neither of the two products with lead contamination in this warning label.
About Vitamin D
Vitamin D has been one of the most popular supplements in the U.S., with sales increasing nearly six-fold from 2006 to 2009 according to Nutrition Business Journal. It was the fourth most popular supplement in ConsumerLab.com reader survey in 2010, used by 56 per cent of respondents.
By helping in the absorption of calcium, vitamin D plays an important role in bone health. Recent research also indicates vitamin D may provide protection from osteoporosis, hypertension (high blood pressure), cancer and some autoimmune diseases. The high levels of vitamin D in the blood associated with a reduced risk of heart attacks, depression, arthritis, asthma and other conditions.
Vitamin D can be obtained in sufficient amounts of sun exposure. Only ten to fifteen minutes of sun exposure twice a week for the face, arms, hands, or back without sunscreen is usually sufficient to provide adequate vitamin D. It can also be found in fortified milk (400 IU per liter or 100 IU per cup), and other fortified foods, like breakfast cereals, orange juice, yogurt, margarine, soy beverages and nutrition bars. Fatty fish is also a good source of vitamin D. Small the amount of vitamin D is found in beef liver, cheese, egg yolks, and mushrooms.
However, increasing concerns about skin cancer has caused many Americans to avoid sunlight or use sunscreen, which creates the potential downside risks of vitamin D. It is also common for people who live in northern climates (northern line from Boston to northern California border), particularly if they are dark skinned, to have adequate vitamin D intake. Americans aged 50 and older will increase the risk of vitamin D deficiency because, as people age, skin can not synthesize vitamin D as efficiently and the kidneys are less able to convert vitamin D into the active hormone form. As a result, many people could benefit from taking vitamin D as supplements either alone or in combination with calcium supplements.
You can find out if you meet the supplements ConsumerLab.com 's high quality standards by looking at their overall report on www.consumerlab.com. The report includes detailed information about each nutrient, the forms are available, the potential side effects, dosage, and how best supplements may be used.
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